Automotive Aftermarket
Our experience is deep as well as diverse:
Litigation advisors, consultants and experts to both buy and sell side M & A transaction participants.
Transaction due diligence.
Enterprise going concern valuations of a variety of suppliers, wholesalers and retailers who compete in this market space.
Financial advisory and CRO services to manufacturers, distributors and retailers alike.
Extensive working knowledge and understanding of the various market structures, specialty wholesalers and retailers, performance and racing team players, sponsorships, promotional and marketing strategies, and brand “franchises” and critical brand value variables.
COO level responsibility for manufacturing, operations, distribution centers, logistics and ERP, finance and administration, polishing and finishing.
Joint venture opportunities.
Sampling of client success:
Keystone Automotive
Weld Wheel Industries
Greg Weld Design
Greg Weld Competition Wheels
Taylor Weld Engineering