IronHorse manufacturing expertise is frankly unmatched. Not just the finances and the numbers, but more so the people, the equipment and the processes. We’ve been on the shop floor. Better than any firm in our niche, we understand what it takes to perform in the toughest and most challenging of environments.


Technically speaking, our expertise is deep as well as broad, including:

  • World class cost management, including activity based management systems. Identifying and reducing the costs of quality, the costs of complexity, with a focus on simplification, replication and integration.
  • Extensive fluency in critical operating metrics, performance management dashboard applications, highly-responsive analytics.
  • Single-minute exchange die and quick changeover applications.
  • Automated shop-floor data collection methodologies. Cycle efficiency driven.
  • Lean manufacturing technologies, flexible/focused factories, cellular manufacturing, and theory of constraints.
  • Enterprise requirements planning. Supply chain management.
  • Foundational models and policies for economic order quantities (EOQ), lot size, stock level decisions.
  • Policies and programs to prevent excess, obsolete and slow moving inventory, and to accelerate disposition.
  • Concurrent engineering.
  • Product-line and customer profitability disciplines.
  • Product rationalization.
  • World-class inventory management.
  • Automated material handling, robotics.