Real Shareholder Value??=Real Deal Required

STAYING THE COURSE & FINISHING STRONG: It absolutely is all about the numbers

Portate Bien!-How to Quickly/Accurately Identify Opportunities to Lean-Up & Clean-up Operations
Prioritizing and accelerating investments in cost management excellence can produce absolutely outstanding ROI, dramatically faster pay-backs, at minimal investment risk than just about any initiative available to organizations. This initial conversation is Part one in a multi-part series of articles that discusses why this must always remain top of mind, top of the list and how to develop and maintain this critical capabilities premium. 2019.11.18 Identifying-Correcting Bad Behavior
A story of the power of the spirit to just keep on, keeping on when in the midst of the moment.

Using Value Range DashBoards To Stay On Track
Overcoming our collective ADD. Using ValueRange Dashboards To Stay On Track
Sifting Through The Electronic Trash-Science & Art of Pub Records Searches
Stradling That Very Fine Mendoza-Daubert Line: Resisting The Temptation To Cut Corners Or Advocate
2016.04.18 Straddling The Mendoza Line
Valuing a Dream-Lost Profits for Development-Stage Start-Up
Buying A Business Start To Finish
Top M & A mistakes Due Diligence-Financial & Operations Risk Analysis & Assessment Debt & Equity-Financing The Deal Considerations & Trends
Valuing A Dream-Lost Profits With a Development Stage Start-up
Presented December 2014. Valuing a Dream-Lost Profits for Development-Stage Start-Up Presentation Dec 2014
The Value Examiner Sept.-Oct 2014 Special Edition
Value Examiner Sept-Oct 2014 A very special look at the rapidly changing landscape of professional sports valuation and the extraordinary impact of technological and demographical change that is driving it.
Case For The Cards-An Executive MLB Scorecard
A Case For The Cards-Value Examiner Sept-Oct 2014 After 29 very long years, KC is once again playing October playoff baseball and the excitement is epic. Yet for our friends 3 1/2 hours to the East, it's business as usual. Hot off the presses, the Sept.-Oct. 2014 Value Examiner looks at professional sports valuations and we are pleased to be a part of this special, and very timely edition. Enjoy!!
The Wild, Wild West: Going-Concern Sales In Receivership
In certain situations, the sale of an operating entity as a going concern in a receivership proceeding is a viable alternative to seeking relief under the Bankruptcy Code. Receivership going-concern sales may be especially appropriate in complex situations where enterprise value is declining, but the company is not hopelessly insolvent. This article briefly highlights those conditions, factors, situations and circumstances that may contribute to or impede a successful going-concern transaction within a court-supervised commercial receivership. 2014.07 ABI Article
Tony Wayne
Sector Spotlight: Insolvency, Turnaround and Restructuring
Acquisition International
Make Every Day A Blast-New & Exciting Accounting & Finance Careers
Make Every Day A Total Blast